Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Moments like this.

I was already running late today as I walked out my cousins Brooklyn apartment. My lateness, however, was justifiable. I have been working from 8 am - 9 pm everyday and this morning I just needed to sleep more. The days have been good. Wake up at 6:30 - walk/run in the park (only happened a couple times). Stretch. Get ready and go.

Today my lateness was welcomed by a series of events which made me even later, and this blog entry which is setting me back even later - probably by about an hour. Time is a luxury. Be late.

"Can I ask you a question?" Wait a minute! Random conversation in NYC? Of course, I'm down. "What's up?" I said. "Do you think it's inappropriate that you can see my legs through my skirt? I don't have a slip and I didn't even notice this in my room." Serious problem in this city.

This made me reflect on a bigger issue here which is the sexual harassment that takes place in almost every train cart, street block and bar on a very constant basis. I have seen it and felt it my month here and it's made me cover up even more than I normally do. I find myself throwing on an extra tank top frequently to avoid this.

"Well, it's not too bad but it might rain. I would be careful about that," I said. "I know, it's just men already look at women a certain way if they wear skirts and I don't want to encourage that!" she laughed. This conversation was sort of adorable and ridiculous all the same.

"We should not have to worry about this," I said. We came to the consensus that it was alright for her to wear the skirt and walked out together and continued to talk. This woman was beautiful, curvy, and was dressed appropriately. She was also very kind. But, it saddens me that her femininity works against her in work situations.

She takes the bus, I keep walking to the next station thinking the main changes in women's rights have been tangible. The one where a man's mentality actually changes is still in the works. It will come.

I walk downstairs, there's the "2" train. Swipe my card. "Insufficient funds." No way, how rude. For a couple seconds, I could not believe that this machine just rejected me and made me miss my train. Then I look at my phone - it's july 1 and my one month pass is done. Seriously? Already July? Only one month till second year starts - ugh.

Time to refill the card - this time I only got the 7-day unlimited. I'm aiming to leave NYC next Wednesday and this is my way of promising myself this.

The train ride was sort of uneventful except the girl that almost fell today because of her heels. I'm glad she's fine, maybe it's time to re-think the three inch disadvantage to her knees at such a young age. I don't have anything against heels, I just don't think they should be worn too long.

The train ride from Brooklyn is about 40-min. This time has been great. I have finished two novels and gotten my full fill of people watching. Sometimes, depending on how good what I'm reading is, the ride flies by.

Walking out of the station - I realized I needed coffee to be able to finish everything that had to get done. And, I just love it.

Now, it's kind of funny but I look at a lot of people wondering what's wrong with them medically. It's not a good thing. But I really think I saw someone with Marfan's syndrome. Only because its pretty distinguishable.

I went to Pinnacle and the next weird thing happened. I walked in the to the coffee shop and hear "Amarinder!" Odd, I thought, no body knows me in New York. But, it was Molly from Community Lab.We talked for a bit. She is in Harvard's Business school and here for the summer. So we shared some stories and talked about when we're leaving.

Now, I'm supposed to be working but I'm blogging. I wanted to write.

It's beautiful outside. Storms later today. For now, I'm enjoying the breeze. See you all soon!

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